The trailer's out!
The movie Killers staring Katherine Heigl and Aston Kutcher was partially shot in our neighborhood last May. Somehow I totally missed blogging about it. The trailer just came out for the movie, and it looks really good!
Here are some pictures that we took during the time they week or so that they here in May of 2009.
All of the trailers and set equipment behind me...
Rob Luketic also directed the movie 21. The Cadillac in the photo below transported Rob back and forth between the clubhouse (trailers) and the set for the week. Note Jay standing right behind it to get a glimpse of him. He's a huge fan. Actually, there were two Caddys that transported Aston and Catherine back and forth from the trailers to the set as well as the Director. The guy in the orange shirt walking toward the car was close with the director, possibly his Assistant? He definitely went wherever he wanted.
I can't even begin to describe how much work goes into movie production. I spent hours talking to the set crew who were working hours on end. One particular staff member, who was working on the explosions (in a fire hydrant crash scene), told me that it takes over 24 hours of set up the effects to produce less than one minute in a movie. The entire set crew staff were running non-stop, perfecting the lighting, sound, equipment, and everything else. These people work hard!!!
This Volvo crashed three fences at once. It was en enormous production that took a day and a half or so just to set up. The crew tore down our neighbors original fence, rebuilt it with their set materials, and finally crashed through it. Once the shot was set up, they had one chance to get it right. Let's just say they were very serious about everyone being quiet and keeping out of the cameras views. Poor Volvo, it was completely destroyed afterward.
Ashton and Katherine's stunt doubles getting ready to scale the fence.
Ashton stood in between the houses and ran into the scene. It was around 3:30a.m. in the morning when I took this picture so I'm not sure if it was me or the camera that couldn't handle the scene. (Hello, it's Ashton Kutcher! He's too cute.)
I'm especially excited to see this movie. It comes out June 4th!
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