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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Friday

First, I'm convinced that these items in my grocery cart below are the reason that our grocery bills tend to be around $200 for two people. Well, to be honest, there was lean meat, a chuck roast and the leanest pork also in the cart underneath the granola and "greenwise" chips. But the other items I collected after this picture consisted of normal stuff like detergent, milk and eggs. Hmm....I may need to research coupons more thoroughly soon.

taken from my camera phone

I walked upstairs after the trip to the grocery store and chuckled. Murphy had nestled himself into our bed, which is normally ok but this time the sheets were in the washer. He plopped himself right onto our mattress cover and uncovered pillows with his baby and snuggled in.

But then Jay, who is working from home today, let Haley inside from playing outside. I heard him say "Go find mom!!" And she came barreling upstairs. This is Murphy's look when he realized his sister was coming to play. Doesn't he look more excited then when just mom was hanging around?

I turned around and there was this big yellow dog coming at me like superwoman. Two paws straight out in front of her in the air. She was so fast that she showed up as just a blur on camera. And maybe there might have been a little extra blurring of the background from me, due to unmentionables laying around.

And we all raced downstairs to play some more...

On another note, I don't know if anyone else decorates like this, but I can take multiple (and plus some) tries to make a decision about accessories. When I was working on Wes and Katie's party, I just couldn't decide which flowers would look the best. I tried tulips, wild flowers, mixed flowers, roses, mixed rose bouquets, you name it. Our house looked like a florist once I started planning. I set up our dining room table, and 'NOPE' the arrangements didn't look right. Not what I was going for. I finally settled on roses, they were a cleaner look for a shower. I talked to my mom multiple times a day, going over all of the details of the other decorations and talking it through. I found out that she does the same thing when she plans parties (which happens to be a lot more than me.) She can try ten different arrangements or table settings before it's "just right." At least I know where I get it from. The good thing is that we have beautiful flowers all over the house, and have had, for the past week.

On a totally different subject, a friend of mine was just selected as a finalist in the Beverly Hills Film Festival for a movie script that he wrote. I don't think he'd like me bragging on him, but I can't help it! Another script he wrote won best scene in yet another film festival in California so he's really on his way to meeting his calling.

I participated as a reader for the script and I can honestly say (I don't think I'm biased even though he is a dear friend), that it was a really, really good storyline. Here's a picture of Corey on the day we met to discuss the script at Belly General Store. I blogged about Belly General Store HERE. He is leaning on his writing journal, which is also the name of the script, The Journal. Here's to hoping the Beverly Hills awards ceremony proves him well!


Kellie March 5, 2010 at 7:55 PM  

Michelle...your photos are gorgeous. You are obviously skilled and you must have a great camera, too. What kind do you have? We have a Nikon D80, and I am still learning how to take advantage of all it has to offer. I'm not doing it justice right now!

Michelle March 6, 2010 at 8:07 AM  

Hi Kell!! I have a Canon XSI, it's the most basic SLR that Canon offers. I have a Tamron lens (17-55 aspherical). We bought our camera body separate from the lens because we heard the "kit" lens on the Canons aren't great. I would love to see some of your early childhood pictures! I told mom about it and she was inspired to do the same with her slides!!

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I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within.

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