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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's a Michigan Thing

This is Superman ice cream and it has been a favorite of mine since I was little. I remember taking bicycle rides with the whole family up to the local ice cream store in our small town and ordering as many scoops as my parents would let me.

Until last night, I didn't realize that it was a Michigan thing. Every time Jay and I went out to get ice cream (which isn't often), I would look for it. So I finally tried google - and there it was - listed as a Michigan specialty. The best way I can describe it is a sweet bubble gum like flavor. Although it looks like sherbert, it is not tart at all.

I found it online here, for a whopping $69.99 for 3 gallons.

If you ever visit Michigan, or live in Michigan, enjoy a scoop of Superman ice cream for me. It's SO delicious! Now I'll have to go hunt down some Blue Moon!! Don't tell me that's a Michigan thing too!! :)


Kellie May 26, 2010 at 8:25 PM  

I had NO idea! You can't go to an ice cream store here without finding Superman or Blue Moon. And why it is that kids always choose these over chocolate is beyond me (maybe the name and the colors). Now, my favorite is PB & Choc, but when we went to City Dairy in Midland it was always Superman or Blue Moon.

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