Weekends now consist of chores, errands, more chores and then hopefully relaxing. Yesterday was pretty full for us after taking a walk, attending a shower, making a home video for dad and then making dinner. That left today to take care of the house and chores.
We had a million other things that we would rather be doing, including spending the day at Barnes and Noble looking though house plan books.
But we have been discussing our money situation lately, and that we really want to pretend that I'm not making money. We don't want to get in the habit of spending money that we otherwise wouldn't have like taking our car to the car wash, hiring a house keeper or hiring a dog groomer,
just because we can. So we decided to stay home and work around the house together today.
We cleaned the house for the 1,000,008th time this month from top to bottom. Jay mowed the lawn while I detailed my car.
Summer is the best time for dog baths outside. No messes in the house and it's so warm, they're dry in an hour. I mentioned that I wanted to give the dogs a bath outside and Jay headed right out there when he was done mowing.
Haley took a little bit more coaxing, but he eventually got her washed too.
You might notice that she's shaking off before he even got the soap on her. :)
And then Jay gave Murphy a rose to bring to me...it kind of worked out that way... He tried to eat it on the way over. :)
Oh the days of being able to hang out in the sun are few and far between now, but I so enjoy spending time outside. We sat out on the porch and soaked in the sun for a good hour. We worked hard today but we're relaxing now that everything is done, and we didn't pay anyone to do it for us. Accomplishment!