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Sunday, February 14, 2010


Yesterday, Jay and I made it down to Scott Antique Market in Atlanta. It was incredibly large. Larger than I had imagined. And we found so much that we could have bought.

Before we left, I walked outside with the dogs. I can't believe how little snow is left from our big snowfall Friday night.

Then we took off down through Atlanta. It was a little hazy. I was taking these pictures as Jay was driving 70 miles an hour (probably plus) through ATL.

Scott Antique Market is really close to the ATL airport.

This is a very small portion of the building(s). There were two enormous warehouses that were filled with antiques inside and out. Needless to say, I didn't make it all the way through both of them in my too cute shoes. One of the vendors said that people come from all over the Southeast to shop here once a month. We saw huge vans with trailers full of stuff that people were taking home! Crazy.

This was my favorite vendor but I never got the name of the company. I kept trying to get a card from the salesperson, but he was constantly busy with other customers. I wish I would have pushed harder now...

I'm thinking I'm going to have to come back another month and visit them. They had the coolest stuff...some of it was way over priced ($275 for a lamp) and some of it was a bit pricey but okay ($800 for a chest of drawers). They all negotiate, so I'm thinking someone could get it for quite a bit less. There many less expensive items there and many more expensive items. I would say this vendor was right in between.

(I took these from my camera phone.)

I love this chest from the above vendor. I don't have a place for it right now. I think I could make one though...Hmmm...

We ended up buying a couple of little treasures. We paid about $30 for each of these really old boxes. They're solid wood and so old they are dovetailed at the corners. The guy had stacks and stacks of them, large and small. I could have picked out many more.

the front of box #1

the back of box #1

the front of box #2

the back of box #2

We need to go back once we are ready to spend more money.

If you want to see more pictures of the actual market, Charm Home, an Atlanta interior designer, blogs about it HERE.


Jennifer & Jimmy February 15, 2010 at 3:04 PM  

I have always wanted to go! You've inspired me now :)

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I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within.

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