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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Atlanta's Cup Runneth Over

After days and days of rain, Atlanta has been all over the news for massive flooding. My school was canceled three days in a row due to washed out roads and flooded buildings. Jay's boss said that five people in his department called in with "water in their basements." I think this was the first time I was glad we don't have a basement. I captured a few photos of the rain in our neighbors' backyards, but it didn't even pale in comparison to some of the hardships other Atlantans faced. We're very lucky and count our blessings that the worst problem we dealt with was an air conditioner short in the wiring outside our house.

Our neighbors' backyards

Ours...perfectly fine

I85 @ 285 = Traffic Nightmare

Murphy staying cool in lieu of a/c

We are so blessed that our house is safe!


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I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within.

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