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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Oldie but Goodie

We have been trying new restaurants lately, but today I decided I was in the mood go to the Cheesecake Factory. Neither of us had been for years - maybe eight or nine. It was fun to go to a place that we pass every time we shop at the Perimeter mall...and don't think twice about. We need to try some "Oldie but Goodies" more often!

Unbeknownst to him, I snapped a picture


Friday, September 25, 2009

Good Things Come in Small Packages

I can't say enough how lucky I feel to have our two dogs. They have been there for me every step of the way...

  • ensuring I get enough exercize (tugging on the leash to go out),
  • keeping me company during the long days of studying (usually laying on my feet),
  • keeping me from spending money (they come for rides in the car during errands, I don't want to leave them too long); and
  • reminding me that that sometimes the stress just isn't worth it.
Murphy has developed a unique sense with me - whenever I start getting anxious or stressed - he pushes his way next to me and curls up with me in any way he can. It immediately relieves my stress and he lets out a huge, "siiiiiiiigggggghhhhhhh," like he knew that's exactly what I needed.

Enjoying his time in the yard

This is the look of a dog that smells Wendys! She loves hamburgers!

Reading about SEC revenue recognition rules, I needed the break!

Haley gets the Wall Street Journal for me every morning. It's pretty nice not to have to prance out in the driveway in my p.j.'s!


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Atlanta's Cup Runneth Over

After days and days of rain, Atlanta has been all over the news for massive flooding. My school was canceled three days in a row due to washed out roads and flooded buildings. Jay's boss said that five people in his department called in with "water in their basements." I think this was the first time I was glad we don't have a basement. I captured a few photos of the rain in our neighbors' backyards, but it didn't even pale in comparison to some of the hardships other Atlantans faced. We're very lucky and count our blessings that the worst problem we dealt with was an air conditioner short in the wiring outside our house.

Our neighbors' backyards

Ours...perfectly fine

I85 @ 285 = Traffic Nightmare

Murphy staying cool in lieu of a/c

We are so blessed that our house is safe!


Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Birthday to You

Jay and I aren't too stuffy but we do like celebrate our "occasions." Jay's birthday fell over Labor Day weekend, so to his enjoyment he had a three-day birthday weekend. It's a joke with us that birthday's are never one day. Jay's parents took us out to lunch Saturday, then we went to Stoney River Sunday night for steak & drinks, and had cake & presents on Monday. I decorated the house on Friday, leaving the gifts sitting out throughout the weekend just to torture him - he LOVES gifts. It was sweet to watch him mull around them all weekend! My parents were AWESOME and gave Jay $250 toward the new computer that he has been stewing over!

Our kitchen decorated with birthday celebrations


Dinner at Stoney River - fabulous steak house!!


About This Blog

I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within.

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