I can't say enough how lucky I feel to have our two dogs. They have been there for me every step of the way...
- ensuring I get enough exercize (tugging on the leash to go out),
- keeping me company during the long days of studying (usually laying on my feet),
- keeping me from spending money (they come for rides in the car during errands, I don't want to leave them too long); and
- reminding me that that sometimes the stress just isn't worth it.
Murphy has developed a unique sense with me - whenever I start getting anxious or stressed - he pushes his way next to me and curls up with me in any way he can. It immediately relieves my stress and he lets out a huge, "siiiiiiiigggggghhhhhhh," like he knew that's exactly what I needed.
Enjoying his time in the yard
This is the look of a dog that smells Wendys! She loves hamburgers! Reading about SEC revenue recognition rules, I needed the break!
Haley gets the Wall Street Journal for me every morning. It's pretty nice not to have to prance out in the driveway in my p.j.'s!