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Monday, May 25, 2009

2009 Memorial Day Vacation in Charleston

For the second year in a row (rare for us), we made our way across Eastern Georgia, the South Carolina Piedmont, and the Low Country to Charleston for a (very) long Memorial Day Weekend. It's great for us because we can bring Haley & Murphy - I think they like it more than we do.

We started each morning with a little exercise on Isle of Palms:
Haley needing her morning coffee

Sweet Murphy enjoying the morning sun

Michelle and her shadow (Murph)

Haley loves getting the frisbee, so much that we had to bring one or she would go after the other dogs' toys!

The favorite beach and the favorite t-shirt

We walked across the Ravunel Bridge a few times. It's about a five mile walk, and has great views of Mount Pleasant & Charleston.

Michelle halfway across the bridge

...and me

The views were so gorgeous up there

Looking out to Patriot's Point on Mount Pleasant

We did sneak a little beach time in... We found a great spot in front of the Windjammer on IOP.

We ate at some great places this year - some old, and some new. We always enjoy Red's Ice House and Vickery's on Shem Creek. We tried the Pub on Daniel Island for lunch, which we both enjoyed. We also tried Water's Edge, which had the best shrimp & grits I've ever eaten, and Michelle loved her chicken pasta. This place made the list... On Monday night, we wanted to find a place on the water, so went to Fleet Landing in Charleston. Not bad - not bad at all.

Getting ready for Red's

The Pub on Daniel Island

Michelle at Fleet Landing in Chucktown

Standing outside of Fleet Landing in Chucktown

After dinner on Monday night, we knew that the city would be empty, as most of the vacationers would have left town. We thought it would be a great time to walk around the historic district...

It was tough to come home, but I know we'll be back.


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I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within.

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