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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

5 Favorites about Paris

Michelle: 5 Favorite things about Paris:

1. The food - Simply AMAZING and full of flavor.

2. Everything’s smaller - The food, the cars, the streets, the people....are all petite. It's so cute and in a way....relieving! Everyone's not trying to "out-do" each other with the next biggest thing.
They don't over-exercize either....they just don't eat as much and walk a lot. There aren't a lot of bulky people (chubby or muscular). I didn't see any true French people with big bellies.
A whole lot of moderation seems to be the key!

3. The pace is different - It seemed like people really stopped to listen when other people talked and they didn't rush through their days like we sometimes do here (Ever eaten in your car? I have!). Dinner & wine are an event and can last 4 hours!

4. The language is beautiful & romantic.

5. The mix of Europeans. It was cool to sit next to Spaniards, English & Itallians all in one restaurant and see how they interact differently. ;)

Least favorite thing about Paris:
1. Unisex bathrooms - Some establishments have stalls right next to each other that either men or women can use. I can think of a few times in restaurants when it was the case that men and women would "go to the bathroom" right next to each other. Also men come into women's bathrooms to clean. A guy was next to me cleaning a stall in the airport. Yikes! Talk about stage fright!

2. The city bus tour - Cold, cold & cold. It dropped us off and we had to wait for the next "line" every 20-30 minutes. We waited in the cold for 45 minutes, 5 different times! A tour that should have taken an hour took 6 hours. Don't ever do bus tours!!!

Freezing cold & windy on the top of the stupid bus!!

Jay: 5 Favorite things about Paris

1. Heineken and Stella are the house beers.
2. Everything is OLD, but kept up - in it's original condition.
3. Pantheon
4. Royal with Cheese
5. Pimp My Ride in French


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