Christmas in Knoxville
Jay and I spent a few days in Knoxville over Christmas. Allie, to the right, is my parents Golden Retriever. Not to date myself too much, but I remember picking her out of a litter of puppies in Michigan when I was in high school. I remember being told to turn her upside-down and scratch her belly to see if she was submissive. She rolled over and enjoyed every minute of it! :) Since that day, she has been such a blessing to our lives. She has uplifted so many people - friends, family, neighbor dogs & children, random strangers - have all enjoyed her smiling face, wagging tail and loving personality. She laid with me when I was sick, stayed by my side when I had heart surgery and has unconditionally accepted every mutt that I've brought into her life! Jay recently reminded me that when he was upset over the loss of our last dog Abby, she jumped up in the bed with him and wouldn't leave his side. At almost 15 years old, she gets just about anything she wants. Our dogs know she's the leader...I think in this picture one of them set a ball next to her as a kind gesture. She prefers a soft baby, but continues her gracious demeanor still. We love you, Allie!
Here are a few pictures of Austin that Kerry took on Christmas...I can't seem to find our pictures, but will upload them as soon as I find them. He enjoyed every minute of opening his presents - I think he felt very special sitting with his mother while she was putting together his toys and helping to start the paper ripping process! He is a people-person for sure!
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