We've Moved!
We've just moved down the street and unlocked the front door...in the blog world that is.
We have moved to www.ourscreendoor.com.
Please update your links or favorites to this new site.
We've just moved down the street and unlocked the front door...in the blog world that is.
We have moved to www.ourscreendoor.com.
Please update your links or favorites to this new site.
I just pulled up reader and noticed that the majority of our pictures are not showing on the blog. I am now really seriously considering moving to Wordpress. I've been thinking about it for a while because of it's increased functionality...but this seals the deal.
We'll be back soon...hopefully...
I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within.
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